Happy December! I always mark this slide into winter with my annual ritual of blending the Christmas tea. And it is a delicious way to welcome in the festive season.
I am currently reading a book called Wintering, not because it is winter, although the author does reference the seasonal cycles. But because it nods deeply to our need to embody the energy of these natural cycles as a template for living, finding their relevance in all aspects of our lives. She looks at wintering as an essential component to steer and support us through difficult times, an active acceptance of facing the pain and sorrow we are going through.
She explains the practice of wintering as “the courage to stare down the worst parts of our experience and to commit to healing them the best we can”.
So this concept ties very nicely into our work. ATTIC was always created as a platform to support our personal journey. Historically tea was used to shift our way of perceiving the world, so along with its miraculous health benefits, we introduce it as a tool to support your awakening journey, a tool that helps you reconnect to your truer, more conscious self.
I recently asked for volunteers to try out a simple tea and meditation idea that will form the basis of a bigger project I am working on. It was a request to do a little guided breathing technique while brewing and drinking a cup of ATTIC tea for 14 days. I wanted to share (I did get permission!) a couple of the astonishing and beautiful reflections as it might inspire you to give it a go!
Firstly, this feedback was from someone who has done forms of meditation in the past and expresses wonderfully the power of a daily check-in. It really resonated with the beginnings of the wintering practice mentioned in the book.
“The main thing that I noticed was that it gave me the space to realise what was happening and how I was feeling underneath the busyness and distraction, which included the knot in my solar plexus, or the tears behind my eyes, or how tired I was - all the things that I was 'running' from”.
Secondly, for those of you new to meditation and assume you’ll be rubbish at it, this feedback shows how perseverance is key and the learning and expansion that comes from the struggle.
“It has taken me 3 attempts to complete 14 days. Attempt 1 I made it 3 days. The idea was to do this in the morning but I am always running late and with the best of intentions to fit it in later in the day it just didn’t happen. Attempt 2 and I was a bit mad at myself but it’s ok so I start again. I am enjoying it and do feel calmer afterwards but same again, life keeps getting busy. Made it to day 9. Attempt 3 I am determined. I have come to realise so much over my 2 failed attempts. I am too hard on myself. Just seeing this as I have to get this done, another job to add to the list of things I have to do, not as something to make time for and enjoy. Who knew that failing is ok if you’re learning.
With a change in thinking, now there is no problem managing 14 days. I am as a result feeling calmer, more organised and focused. This is something I will now always do, the importance of hitting pause, calming the mind, the benefits will only continue to grow. I am still amazed at how the things that need my attention the most just seem to come to mind now but unlike before I starting this practice, I don’t worry or stress nearly as much as I used to I just tackle what comes up”.
We all need to ‘winter’ in the winter. We need to go inwards, cultivate our intuition, choose wisely the seeds to plant in the following year, seeds that promote change in the ways we wish for, seeds that enable our healing and expansion and a more joyful experience of living. There will always be ups and downs but there will also always be tools to support and guide the journey. But all of these tools are really just helping you to better know yourself.
Have a fabulous festive season and thank you as always for your support, engagement and for drinking amazing tea :) We look forward to speaking to you again in the New Year.
Anne and Ric x